The Time Difference between Indonesia and Turkey
How many hours is the time difference between Indonesia and Turkey?
The Time Difference between Indonesia and Turkey
This is a question that is often asked when we are about to travel to Turkey.
For mothers, it’s crucial to check on their children back home.
The time difference between Turkey and Indonesia can create challenges, especially when coordinating activities or keeping in touch with people in different time zones.
For instance, when it’s still morning and possibly sleeping time in Turkey, in Indonesia, it could be a time when kids are already at school.
Similarly, during breakfast time in Turkey, it might be lunchtime in Indonesia due to the time gap between the two countries.
So, this is useful information for us.
The Time Difference between Indonesia and Turkey
The distance between Indonesia and Turkey is indeed quite far.
Even by plane, it can take around 12 hours non-stop.
When calculating the distance from Indonesia to Turkey, it’s approximately 9,450 km.
So, it’s understandable that there is a time difference between Indonesia and Turkey.
The world’s time difference depends on UTC, Coordinated Universal Time, centered in Greenwich, England.
Turkey is in the UTC+3 time zone, meaning Turkey is 3 hours ahead of Greenwich.
Indonesia is in the UTC+7 time zone, making Indonesia 4 hours ahead of Turkey and 7 hours ahead of Greenwich.
The time difference between Indonesia and Turkey is 4-5 hours, with Indonesia being ahead compared to Turkey.
The variation between 4-5 hours happens due to the time change in Indonesia and Turkey, occurring around October and March during the change of seasons.
The Time Difference between Indonesia and Turkey
Not only in Turkey, but in the surrounding countries, the time difference varies slightly too.
For example, Iran and Indonesia have a 3.5-hour difference, with Indonesia being ahead.
In the case of the United Arab Emirates and Oman, the time difference is 3 hours, with Indonesia being ahead.
So, that’s approximately the information about the time difference between Indonesia and Turkey. Hope it’s helpful.
The Time Difference between Turkey and Indonesia
Turkey, June 19th 2019
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